The amount will vary by insurer. Learn more about insurance discounts. Auto insurance for hybrid cars can be affected by many factors. Here are some of the top things that can have an impact :. Plug in hybrids can recharge the battery through plugging it into an electrical power source and drive a few miles before the gas engine turns on. Hybrid electric vehicles use gas and electricity. Energy is generated through the vehicle braking system. Hybrids, like any other vehicle on the road, require auto insurance.
You can get insurance for your hybrid in the same way as other vehicles. Get quotes with ThinkInsure anytime. Insurance requirements are the same. Review your options to ensure you have the right protection in place to meet your unique driving needs. Hybrid and electric cars fall under the same vehicle classification.
Insurance will vary based on the make and models being compared, not the fact they are electric or hybrid. Speak with your insurer to get quotes to get an accurate estimate.
Thinking about getting a Hybrid? Already drive one? Looking for ways to pay less on insurance? A welcome email is on its way.
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If you have an expensive car, you can expect to pay more, anyway. We have a list of some of the cheapest cars to insure. Here are some of the things car insurance companies take into consideration when calculating your premium:. While you are going to save at the pump and cover longer distances for less, you will have to pay a higher initial price for a hybrid.
You will also have to face higher maintenance costs. For example, the repair of the hybrid is more expensive apart from the general maintenance, such as oil change and air conditioning checks. On top of the higher maintenance costs, you will also have to face higher insurance costs, which are related to higher mileage and more expensive repair and part costs. It is up to you to decide whether paying more upfront as well as on repair and insurance is worth it based on how much you save on fuel each year.
Thankfully, as the popularity of hybrids grows, insurance companies are more likely to consider offering discounts. For example, if you use Geico, you get 5 percent off for a hybrid, while Travelers and Farmers have 10 percent off for those who drive them. There's good news on the horizon based on the latest data: Hybrid drivers usually cover fewer miles and are generally safer drivers, so sooner or later, insurance companies are going to pass on the discount.
You will also have to choose a model that has been around for a while and has a good safety record. The reason why insurers charge more is that they have limited knowledge about the car. The more common the model is, the more likely you will get a good price. New Cars. Buyer's Guide. Type keyword s to search. Today's Top Stories. Bryan Mitchell Getty Images. Side-by-Side Comparison of Hybrid and Gas-Only Car Insurance Generally, hybrid cars are more expensive to insure compared with a similar size and specification gas version.
Why Hybrids Are More Expensive To Insure The main reason why insurance companies charge you more to insure a hybrid is that they are worth more.