There are three basic ingredients needed for thunderstorm development: moisture, an unstable atmosphere, and some way to start the atmosphere moving. Moisture is necessary to produce the thunderstorm clouds and precipitation. In the summertime, most areas of the United States have sufficient moisture to generate thunderstorms if the other ingredients are present.
In the wintertime, thunderstorms favor southern areas of the United States where moisture is more plentiful; however, southerly winds associated with well-developed storm systems can bring sufficient moisture northward to generate thunderstorms at any time of the year, even in the dead of winter.
Atmospheric stability, or more importantly, instability, also plays an important role in thunderstorm development. Rising air is needed to produce clouds, and rapidly rising air is needed to produce thunderstorms. For air to rise rapidly, it must become buoyant compared to the surrounding air.
To learn more about severe weather topics from around the globe, click here! AlabamaWX is pleased to partner with the Global Weather and Climate Center team for outstanding posts about our atmosphere. Tags: GWCC. Category : Partner News Stories. Thunderstorms are a weather phenomenon that occur and develop due to high amounts of moisture in the air along with warm air that is rising. These storms typically last less than thirty minutes and occur within a mile radius.
According to NOAA, in the United States nearly , thunderstorms occur each year, with ten percent of these storms becoming severe thunderstorms. Thunderstorms occur most often in the afternoon and evening of the spring and summer months, and bring with them thunder, lightning, heavy rain, and the potential risk for flash flooding.
A thunderstorm forms when warm moist air is unstable and begins rising. As this warm air rises the water vapor within the air cools and releases heat. Condensation then occurs as the air condenses creating a cloud, that then grows until it forms a towering cumulonimbus cloud. Ice particles within the cloud holding both positive and negative charges create lightning when leaders extend from these charges within the cloud.
Ordinary cell thunderstorms form more frequently in the afternoon because after the warm temperatures, the cold air aloft moves over the region. The cold air makes the atmosphere unstable and parcels push upward. How do you tell if a storm is coming? Pay close attention to the temperature levels outside. Large, billowy clouds. Large, billowy clouds that continue to grow as the day heats up are known as cumulus clouds. A drop in atmospheric pressure. Darkening of the clouds. A weather program predicts it.
What time of day do thunderstorms most often occur? Thunderstorms are most likely in the spring and summer months and during the afternoon and evening hours, but they can occur year-round and at all hours. Along the Gulf Coast and across the southeastern and western states, most thunderstorms occur during the afternoon. Why are thunderstorms always at night?
Very few know why thunderstorms occur at night. At night the air cools rapidly. The water droplets in this moist surface air give off heat in all directions as the atmosphere cools after sunset, but the heat directed upwards into the dry air dissipates more quickly than that direct downward. Where do most tornadoes occur in the late afternoon?
Although they can occur at any time of the day or night, most tornadoes form in the late afternoon. By this time the sun has heated the ground and the atmosphere enough to produce thunderstorms. Do thunderstorms happen more often at night? In the plains of the U.