Why ect doesnt work

And it did feel like a huge relief at the time and up until that point I had no real strong idea as to when or if [name of wife] was going to get better so just to see the possibility of her being better for the first time since [name of daughter] was born was huge relief and I was immensely grateful for it and felt very positive about it in many ways despite some previous reservations.

Well perhaps it does work for some people. But I would never have it again no matter how bad I was, because the worst thing for me was the memory loss.

But like me they are desperate, you try anything. Whether he thought it did or not. I know they would have. After having ECT, she got better quite quickly and was able to return to work.

See full profile. My parents think I would have, they think it would just would have taken a lot longer. So different sets of treatments or …? Yeah yeah. But for me I think it was lifesaving and I became well again very, very quickly and within a couple of weeks of being in hospital I had got myself a Sunday job and I was back functioning normally. You know, when I had a few days in hospital of feeling really well and then I was discharged and I continued to feel well after that.

Tania had been very ill and in and out of hospital and it took a while to come to terms with her depression. And I had been, you know, over a year of being in and out of hospital and very dangerously ill. And I gave the ECT a try and I had seven or eight, I had eight treatments ultimately, but I think after the seventh one I just woke up and the whole thing had lifted and it was quite incredible.

And after that, I mean, it took some time, it took some time to make a full recovery, because, you know, after the experiences of the previous year and I was, I was really in pieces and I, you know, took a while, over the course of the next few months I needed to get my sleep sorted out and I just needed to come to terms with the anxiety that whole, the whole episode had produced for me.

And I had some cognitive behaviour which really helped me, like, get sort of relaxed and face kind of getting back to life again and just kind of get over what happened. It was not a change in her mood but in her energy level, returning to her talkative active self. It really, really picked up. She was much more talkative, you know, she was doing. Because that was what she had been like ordinarily, kind of get involved in everything.

But the really odd thing was that her, it was like her energy had recovered ahead of her actual mood and her actual thinking. It was like, she was kind of cheerful, but she would be cheerfully saying really kind of dark things you know, so it was, it was like her thinking was the last thing to recover, but it felt.

It felt really encouraging, it felt really positive and it felt really kind of exciting. That this… this thing was going to work. Especially because everybody had been talking about it as the kind of last option.

These have shown that there is only very weak evidence, in some of the studies, for only a minority of patients, that ECT can temporarily lift mood slightly. The reviews also demonstrated that there is no evidence whatsoever that any such effect lasts beyond the last treatment ECT is typically administered in a series of about eight treatments. There is also no evidence that it saves lives or prevents suicides, despite the claim by some ECT advocates that it does — a claim that is then used to justify a risk of brain damage.

Some have asked how come other reviews and meta-analyses conclude that ECT is effective and safe? A reasonable question that deserves an answer. Besides analysing the 11 studies in greater detail than ever before, giving them each a quality score based on 24 methodological criteria, we also evaluated the only five meta-analyses ever conducted on this tiny, and deeply flawed, body of literature.

To guard against bias and I am indeed biased against ECT, because of its lack of evidence base and the damage I believe it has caused to hundreds of thousands of people my own ratings of the 11 studies were compared to blind ratings, on carefully defined criteria, by a colleague, Laura McGrath , who had no knowledge of, or particular interest in, ECT. The five meta-analyses included between one and seven of the 11 studies and in each paid little or no attention to the multiple limitations of the studies they included.

The 11 studies we looked at had a mean quality score of Only four studies described how they randomised subjects and then tested this. None convincingly demonstrated that they were double-blind where neither the participants nor the experimenters know who is receiving a particular treatment. Five selectively reported their findings.

People with major depression typically first receive antidepressant medication and psychotherapy. These treatments, though often effective, take time to work. This delay can be dangerous for patients whose depression is accompanied by delusions false beliefs or intense suicidal thoughts.

ECT can work much more quickly than antidepressants and is useful when patients are at immediate risk for self-injury or suicide. ECT may also be prescribed when antidepressant medications have not worked. It can be useful for older patients who are unable to tolerate antidepressants and for pregnant women in whom medication might damage the fetus.

People suffering from bipolar disorder and schizophrenia may also benefit from ECT. Before ECT, patients are asked not to eat or drink from midnight the night before treatment. During the procedure, the patient receives a short acting anesthetic agent which puts the patient to sleep for approximately minutes.

Two of these electrodes are for monitoring the brain waves. The other two are for delivering a short, controlled set of electrical pulses for a few seconds. The electrical pulses must produce a generalized seizure to be effective.


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