Prolonged use of aux heat can cause your utility bill to be much higher than it needs to be. Our team has been servicing and repairing heating units since We can help you determine the source of your problem and guide you toward the most energy-efficient, low-cost solution. Give us a call at or schedule service online. Free Estimate The AUX heat may engage to help keep your house warm while the other heat is being used on the system itself.
Your heat pump may have a special indicator to let you know when this is happening. This problem is a bit more common in areas with lots of snow and ice. Your heat pump probably has an emergency heat setting. If you, your roommate, or a curious child turns it on for any reason, your AUX heat will engage.
Unless you turned it on for a good reason, simply turn this mode back off. Our team at Howard Air has years of experience serving homes in Maricopa County.
We take pride in our ability to respond quickly, resolve your issues, and make your home comfortable again as soon as possible. Schedule service now to get started.
Your email address will not be published. We usually carry replacement parts and everything else needed to handle AUX heat problems, performing repairs quickly and correctly.
Having experts with decades of experience installing HVAC components provides excellent results. Our friendly team is happy to answer your questions and offer suggestions. Contact us right away! Here are a few warning signs that something is going wrong with the auxiliary heat on your heat pump: The electricity bill is much higher than normal : After several months with a new heat pump, you should have a fairly good idea of the average energy cost for the unit.
If you notice a sudden spike in electricity consumption, it may mean that AUX heat is running too often. In the Phoenix area, your air-conditioner will generally spend most of the year in cooling mode. Second, the process should only take a few minutes. If you notice the heat pump defrosting for an extended period of time, call a pro right away. Follow these simple tips to keep everything working correctly: Schedule preventative maintenance every six months.
Clean the areas around the outdoor HVAC unit regularly. Keep ducts and heat vents free of clutter. Clean or replace the heat pump filter every month or two. Image Credit: Shutterstock By U. Contact Us Email Us. One of the simplest things you can do to keep your Honeywell thermostat from switching to auxiliary heat is to lower the temperature in your home.
Setting the thermostat for somewhere between sixty to sixty-eight degrees is all you should need to do to get the problem under control. You may find that this is slightly uncomfortable, but you can make up for it by wearing more layers and snuggling up with a cozy blanket.
Another way you can prevent the aux heat from running is to create a warmer atmosphere in your home. Allow the sun to warm rooms whenever possible. Install the best insulation so that your home can hold heat better. You can run a few extra loads of laundry to take advantage of the heat from the dryer. This is even a great time to turn on your oven for a little holiday baking. Most people have areas of their homes that are not used throughout the day, so try to keep these spots closed off.
Shut the door and close the vents so that the rest of the warm air can be redirected to the rest of your home. If the temperatures are extremely frigid outside, even this may be too much for your unit. You may need to make some additional changes to your home to keep the auxiliary heat from coming on. This is a serious issue that will likely need to be addressed by an experienced technician. You can do your part to keep the auxiliary heat from kicking on by ensuring that the rest of your unit functions at its absolute best.
Before the winter season really begins, it is best to schedule a time to have your system inspected and tuned up. This is a great time to make sure that all of your air filters are changed and that the furnace itself does not need any major repairs. While this will not shut off your auxiliary heat in a pinch, it may prevent you from having to turn on the auxiliary heat as often. The furnace will be better positioned to keep up with the demands that the thermostat places on it.
Instead of allowing the indoor temperature to drop low enough to signal the auxiliary heat, it will be able to keep a more consistent temperature in your main living areas. Newer thermostats may cause the auxiliary heat to come on more quickly than older ones. If the temperature does not pick up within the first few minutes, many of the new Honeywell models will prompt the aux heat setting.
For those homeowners who never had an issue with their old thermostats but are suddenly experiencing this phenomenon, it may have to do with the specific model of thermostat that you purchased and installed.
While you may prefer learning how to stop the auxiliary heat from coming on, there is definitely a time and place for it.