How much ewcm should i have

Then it's gone. I'd say if we're talking measurements Not that I'd ever measure it with a spoon!! But you know what I mean. How stupid do I feel, thinking pre-seed was a capsule!! Has made me LOL though! Thanks Ladies! I've often thought I was a bit lacking with the EWCM, so it's useful to know how other people feel about it.

Some shop bought lubes can kill off sperm. Preseed is designed for couples wanting to conceive, and if they're doing alot of BDing, helps to keep things friction free!! I buy it in a tube from access diagnostics. Sections for Cervical mucus method for natural family planning About. Overview The cervical mucus method is a type of natural family planning. Request an Appointment at Mayo Clinic.

Share on: Facebook Twitter. Show references Hatcher RA, et al. Fertility awareness-based methods. In: Contraceptive Technology. Ayer Company Publishers; Jennings V. Fertility awareness-based methods of pregnancy prevention. Accessed Jan. Frequently asked questions.

Contraception FAQ Fertility awareness-based methods of family planning. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.

Fowler GC, et al. Fertility awareness-based methods of contraception. Elsevier; Original poster's comments 4. I get a ton, like massive amounts. You dont have to have it to get pregnant. The cycle I got pregnant this time I took Sudafed to dry up my cm and I was dry.

I'm never dry What about pressed. I never used it but a lot of people do. I get globs of it. Tmi but so much it just hangs there. I have to wipe it away. I get this two days per month. What is the EPO? Ovulation is pending, and it is the ideal time for intercourse. If you feel squeamish about doing a self-check, you can check your cervical mucus by looking at the toilet paper or your underwear, but you can usually get a better sample by reaching inside.

If you have trouble finding anything, checking your cervical mucus after a bowel movement may be easier. If this is the case, predicting ovulation by tracking cervical mucus might not work well, and other monitoring options must be considered.

In this case, you might not find as much fertile cervical mucus before ovulation. If you never or rarely notice wet or egg-white consistency cervical mucus, talk to your doctor. Infertility can sometimes be caused by something referred to as hostile cervical mucus. Some women produce cervical mucus that is wet or almost egg-white like again right before menstruation.

A day or two after sexual intercourse, you may confuse semen with wet cervical mucus.


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