Is it normal to have stringy period blood

Most of the time, the consistency of your period blood is perfectly normal, especially if the change in consistency you see is minimal and isolated during your period.

Blood clots happen when you shed more blood than you normally do and when blood collects in your uterus or your vagina. This can happen overnight while you sleep. However, the CDC says any clot that is larger than a quarter needs to be reported to your doctor. Also, if you experience blood clots consistently throughout your period, let your doctor know. Period blood can be thin, especially if your flow is heavy, but if you notice it thinning and decreasing in color i.

While it is probably an isolated incident, getting treatment early can save you from experiencing pain and discomfort if you do have a cyst or fibroid. It can also be normal to start and stop your period within a day or two of your scheduled start or stop date. But if you are frequently experiencing bleeding when you are not on your period , you should see your doctor.

Stringy, mucousy, or slimy, sometimes your period blood can be seriously crazy looking and make you wonder if everything is okay down there.

Stringy period blood usually just indicates a regular blood clot. When it does clot, the clots form differently than clots elsewhere on your body. Period blood clots form more loosely than other clots, leaving them looking stringy, lumpy, or like gelatin. Several different triggers can cause period blood changes.

Hormones and lifestyle are the biggest factors that can cause changes that you notice in your flow. Even super stressful times during your life can lead to periods that change in color and consistency. They change more than just your skin and body; hormones change virtually everything.

Major hormonal changes like menopause or having a baby can change how you experience your period, from the flow to the length of time you have it. Learning to manage your stress can keep your period and your mood a little more predictable and consistent. Sometimes our lifestyle can change the way we have our periods. We recommend keeping in close contact with your doctor as changes like this occur if you are able!

During sex. I broke my tail bone a while back after wards sex hurts a week later and all muscles in the vagina is spasms. Hello, i got my first period yesterday and my period is red-ish brown and there isnt alot of it, after urination i saw discharge with some red-ish pink in it, what should i know to be prepared? Bright red blood. Blood clots are darker and sized like a large grape. I am having stringy blood for 5 days in a row.. Hi so i have not started my period but every day i get a teespoon or less of this clear liquid in my patties so I am changing maybe 2 times a day.

I got my period when I was 9, but it was really pink. It was also an abnormal amount of bleeding and it was pretty watery. After a week, my period stopped, and for five months I never got my period. After those five months, my periods came back, and they were dark red. Do you know what might have caused this? Btw, my mother has thalassemia type A, but I also have slight anemia, but sometimes it becomes serious.

What could it be? I keep on throwing up on the first day of my period, like I throw up everything I eat even water and medication and the pain lasts for 72hrs. Is this normal. Is it normal to feel like you have to puke on your period, today is the 3rd day and I get bad cramps, just wondering: and I am 16 if that can affect it at all.

About a month ago I had protected sex and I just started what I think is my period. Hey, this sounds like it could be your period, but to be sure we recommend taking a pregnancy test or seeing a doctor.

My normal cycle is 25 days. Missed a period. Tested negative for pregnancy. Passing thick, stringy red clots while urinating. The are quite sizeable. I am 33 and trying to fall pregnant. I underwent an ovarian cyst surgery and got my one ovary and tube removed.

Now, blood test for Ovarain cancer is normal. So did I get my period??? I have had no sexual activity whatsoever, but I have used Vagisil recently. Is this okay? I am currently on no contraception as me and my partner are trying for a baby. I have been getting stomach cramps every so often but they arnt bad.

My normal cycle is normally a 30 day cycle, but I was late for the first time in 6 years. I was late by 8 days, and i just started today. I wokeup with cramps like period ones, and i went to the restroom and had a slightly light, but really rusty red flow. There was little chunks of tissue and clots, smaller than I typically have. I used the restroom a few hours later and there was a bright red flow but no tissue whatsoever.

Could I be experiencing implantation bleeding so late after my period was supposed to start, or could it just be my period?

My periods is always on time on the day predicted, this time I started bleeding 2 days before my period is due, My pad is clean but when I go pee then it is dark red stringy blood and big blobs that come out, after wiping then I am fine until I go pee again. I had my first ever period back in September , then in November of that year, but then it just stopped. Or in other words, I havent had my period in 10 months. Its also a deep dark brown. I am having blood stains and few drops or more almost everyday from the last one month.

Sometimes it looks old blood sometimes fresh. But they look grainy and having small clots. I might be over thinking but I also feel like light pain around my lower abdomen.

When i have my period, it looks like it has been mixed with oil or like blood with mucus. Dark red in color..

Is it normal? We'll use the information you provide in this form to send you updates by email. Unsubscribe at any time. Privacy Policy. What causes menstrual bleeding? Period blood color meaning Changes in your period blood color are normal. While your overall health generally affects the length of your menstrual cycle and the duration of your period, here are some reasons why period blood may vary in color: Bright red to dark red or dark brown Healthy Period A healthy blood color ranges from bright red to dark red or brown, depending on how new the blood shed from the uterus is.

Egg Implantation Spotting Less likely, brown period blood could also be spotting from egg implantation — light bleeding that can occur in the very early stages of pregnancy.

Ovarian Cysts and Lochia Lochia is natural bleeding that occurs after having a baby. Ovulatory Bleeding Outside of your regular period cycle, pink spotting can be from mid-cycle ovulatory bleeding, this is quite common and normal for some people. Infections Grey, however, can also be a sign of an infection. Comments are closed. I have reddish orange blood at the end of my period.

Is that normal. Is the dark stringy blood is the sign of pregnancy? The most common symptoms seem to be light periods or longer…. A period menstruation is normal vaginal bleeding that is a natural part of a woman's healthy monthly cycle. This article details the process. Health Conditions Discover Plan Connect. Medically reviewed by Carolyn Kay, M. What determines the consistency of your period? What might large blood clots in your period mean? When to see a doctor. Read this next. Medically reviewed by Debra Rose Wilson, Ph.

Medically reviewed by Suzanne Falck, MD. Why Is Period Poop the Worst? If you have never had stringy period blood during your cycle before, it can be confusing or even scary to see for the first time.

Blood clots that are small about the size of a quarter are normal. Period blood is a mixture of this discarded uterine lining, blood, and vaginal fluid. The first day or two of your period tend to be the heaviest days of bleeding. Long strands of blood with a sticky, fluid consistency can be highly concentrated with the uterine lining that your body is shedding.

This stringy period blood is typically dark or bright red. This is typically caused by blood clots that are passing through your body.


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