After moving all jars to classpath I got a classNotFoundException for com. How are we doing? Please help us improve Stack Overflow. Take our short survey. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Collectives on Stack Overflow. Learn more. How to resolve javax. Ask Question. Asked 1 year, 4 months ago.
Active 8 months ago. Viewed 1k times. I have a simple enough program: import javax. JAXBContext; import javax. Do you have a module-info. The key used in the properties map is "eclipselink-oxm-xml". The externalized metadata file can be set in the properties map in one of three ways: i For a single externalized metadata file, one of the following can be set in the properties map: java. File java. InputStream java.
Reader java. URL javax. XMLEventReader javax. XMLStreamReader javax. Source org. Node org. InputSource When using one of the above options, the package name must be set via package-name attribute on the xml-bindings element in the externalized metadata file.
The entries in the List are to be one of the types listed in i above. The key must be a String package name and each value in the Map externalized metadata file is to be one of the types listed in i above. Note that in each of the above cases the package name can be set via package-name attribute on the xml-bindings element in the externalized metadata file. If set, any java-type names in the given metadata file that do not contain the package name will have that package name prepended to it.
If it's skip , it will map to org. If it's lax , it will map to the same as with strict , and when you unmarshal documents, you'll get either:. MF , such as this:. Frequently Asked Questions Prev Next. Frequently Asked Questions. JAXB 2. Q: Why can't I cast the unmarshalled object into the generated type. A: Java SE 6 or higher.