Elective abortion has been legalized in many countries on the premise that a woman is free to choose what she does with her own body. To an extent this is true for each of us, male or female. We are free to think.
We are free to plan. And we are free to do. But once an action has been taken, we are never free from its consequences. To understand this concept more clearly, we can learn from the astronaut. Anytime during selection or preparation, he or she is free to withdraw from the program. But once the spacecraft has lifted off, the astronaut is bound to the consequences of the previous choice to make the journey. So it is with people who choose to embark on a journey that leads to parenthood. They have freedom of choice—to begin or not to begin that course.
When conception does occur, that choice has already been made. Yes, a woman is free to choose what she will do with her body. That could only be true if but one person were involved. The rights of any one individual do not allow the rights of another individual to be abused. In or out of marriage, abortion is not solely an individual matter. Terminating the life of a developing baby involves two individuals with separate bodies, brains, and hearts.
As Latter-day Saints, we should stand up for choice—the right choice—not simply for choice as a method. Nearly all legislation pertaining to abortion considers the duration of gestation. In the course of my studies as a medical doctor, I learned that a new life begins when two special cells unite to become one cell, bringing together 23 chromosomes from the father and 23 from the mother.
These chromosomes contain thousands of genes. In a marvelous process involving a combination of genetic coding by which all the basic human characteristics of the unborn person are established, a new DNA complex is formed. A continuum of growth results in a new human being. Approximately 22 days after the two cells have united, a little heart begins to beat.
At 26 days the circulation of blood begins. I have a friend who miscarried at about weeks. Would the spirit of that embryo be given to her in the next life? At the end of this response, I have provided some other responses given with regards to miscarriages.
When I perform a search on the internet pertaining to scientific declarations regarding when life begins I read people stating different periods as to when life begins. The first article I read stated that science would agree with the following pertaining to human life, and when human life begins: 1 18 days after conception a heart will begin to beat which may be what you are referencing , 2 Between weeks old brain signals have been detected, 3 The human fetus, around 8 weeks is able to sense touching and respond to the touching both spontaneous and reflexive , and 4 By 8 weeks the human embryo is showing breathing motions.
Other articles I was able to read provided quotes from medical journals specifying that life begins at fertilization.
The moment the male semen and the female ovum becomes a single zygote life begins. Donate to the newsroom now. The Salt Lake Tribune, Inc. By Peggy Fletcher Stack. June 1, , p. Updated: June 2, , p. Dems worry it may make Utah even more GOP. While they grovel in ignorance of God and his commandments, they may worship objects of their own creation or nothing at all , while unsuccessfully attempting to limit their population by the rampant practice of abortion.
They live in squalor, oblivious to the divine teaching—stated in the scriptures not once, but thirty-four times—that people will prosper in the land only if they obey the commandments of God. How can God fulfill his promise to prosper his children in obedience if they worship idols or destroy life created by him—destined to be in his very image? They will prosper only when their education includes faith in and obedience to the God of this world, who said,.
And it is my purpose to provide. Early in his presidency, our beloved President Spencer W. Now, is there hope for those who have so sinned without full understanding, who now suffer heartbreak? So far as is known, the Lord does not regard this transgression as murder.
Yes, life is precious! No one can cuddle a cherished newborn baby, look into those beautiful eyes, feel the little fingers, and caress that miraculous creation without deepening reverence for life and for our Creator. Life comes from life. It is a gift from our Heavenly Father. It is eternal, as he is eternal. Innocent life is not sent by him to be destroyed! This doctrine is not of me, but is that of the living God and of his divine Son, which I testify in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
April Reverence for Life Russell M. Agency and Accountability Victor L. Christ, Our Passover Howard W. Statistical Report Francis M.
Tom Perry. The Invitation of the Master John Sonnenberg. The Joy of Service F. Arthur Kay. Look for the Beautiful Keith W. The Mantle of a Bishop Robert D. The Resurrection James E. Pursuing Excellence Peter Vidmar. Prepare to Serve M. Russell Ballard. Spencer W. The Victory over Death Gordon B. The Resurrected Christ David B.