Oh the anguish! I just read the top comments and think i will stop,since it looks like a smack-down here. Eventually we are going to no longer be able to communicate by writing. We can help each other without resorting to fighting… but you and wyrd or whatever might need to resort to fisticuffs if this keeps up much longer :D I am disappointed that the Blog lost the message I thought would match up with the title. The interweb can be a hostile place. By many standards, our discussion here was entirely polite and rational and I, for one, enjoyed the heck out of it.
I live in a world where it seems fewer and fewer people have the capability or the will to engage in a discussion of fine points on any topic, and it drives me to despair.
FWIW: we all make typos in online comments. Author are you college educated? I do not care enough to dig further into your personal information. Do you work a blue collar job and socialize with people in the middle class? The average high school graduate has the language skills of a 6th or 7th grader after about 5 years has passed.
It gets worse though. Their math and science skills are junior high level by that point. Teenagers who passed Algebra 1, Geometry et cetera can rarely produce those math skills by the age of I am an electronic engineering major.
I am current on the development of robotic technology. It is not just the average laborer who will be replaced by robots. It is the carpenter, electrician, plumber and countless others. There are existing robots that can build a house with less waist, less time and with materials that human hands do not accommodate well enough to currently implement.
The loss of English skills is part of a greater plan. A plan created by the banks and corporations who know the less intelligent their customers are, the lower their standards are and the more they can be controlled. You can not profit off of people you do not have power over.
The less skilled and educated the average person is, the easier it is to not just generate a profit off their purchases but to profit off their LABOR. Your rant here is sadly misguided and I suspect you are one of these jackasses that gives the average person WAY too much credit. The average person cries about the corruption of the banks and government yet when told the solution requires education in legalese and the structure of government, they refuse to listen and just look for a superman idol to put all their resources into believing this individual will clean things up.
The average person is a useless moron in regards to the future of mankind and you have presented yourself as average in this arrogant, naive post. Unfortunately Wyrd Smythe is correct. I live in Oklahoma. Pingback: Spelling is not grammar, take 2 linguischtick. I am not a young person and, in this case, resent the grammatical versus spelling rant regarding individuals that do not know the difference between grammatical versus spelling. Pingback: Quora. Your naivety is cute.
You made my argument. Using a word improperly is a grammatical error. Pingback: Is Spelling Part of Grammar? Everything You Need to Know. You are commenting using your WordPress. You are commenting using your Google account. You are commenting using your Twitter account. You are commenting using your Facebook account. Notify me of new comments via email.
Notify me of new posts via email. Skip to content. Share this: Twitter Reddit Facebook Tumblr. Like this: Like Loading September 26, at am. Wyrd Smythe. June 23, at pm. September 27, at am. For example, if I wrote "We likes ice-cream" that would be a grammatical mistake rather than a spelling mistake because "likes" is not the correct form of the verb.
If you create a sentence and it's incorrect when written, but correct when pronounced, then it could give you a hint that your mistake is probably one of spelling and not grammar. I probably made a couple above :. Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams?
Learn more. Confusion between Grammar mistake and spelling mistake [closed] Ask Question. Asked 3 years, 11 months ago. Active 3 years, 11 months ago. Viewed 7k times. Name required.
Mail will not be published required. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Notify me of new posts by email. Follow Amal. Like what you're reading? Share It. The difference between spelling and grammar mistakes Some people think when a word is spelled correctly but used incorrectly, that is a spelling mistake.
Several spelling mistakes. Tricky grammar issue. This is a grammar mistake. Jenny Wifey says:. May 13, at pm. April 14, at pm. Amal says:. July 20, at pm. August 24, at pm. Barb says:. September 22, at pm. Don says:. October 23, at am. Neil says:. November 11, at pm. Dave says:.