The DualShock 4, as the successor to the DualShock 3, shares several similarities with its predecessor, but Sony also included new features to entice more gamers to buy the PlayStation 4 console.
The touchpad is the most common feature used by gamers to differentiate a DualShock 3 from a DualShock 4. The touchpad is located on the top side of the DualShock 4 and supports two points of touch, which allows the touchpad to represent several buttons. To use the touchpad , you need to set a checkmark using the touch pointer. However, not all games support the use of the touchpad; therefore, first, check if the game you want to play has touchpad support before using it.
The DualShock 3 did not have any features to show how many wireless controllers were connected to the PS3 console. The colors on the light bar have various meanings, such as low battery and your player number on the console. Some games have also incorporated the light bar in their gameplay, such as the light bar turning red when your character in Call of Duty has low health.
In addition to the touchpad and light bar, Sony also introduced new buttons on the DualShock 4 and replaced some present on the DualShock 3. The buttons have also been pushed further left and right on the DualShock 4 , making it easier for gamers to press the buttons without removing one hand from the controller. The PS button that was at the center of the DualShock 3 has also been moved further down on the DualShock 4 to make room for the touchpad.
A strong battery for your gaming controller is very important, especially if you do not want to stop gaming and charge your controller. The DualShock 3 has a 3. The DualShock 3 has a better battery life of up to 30 hours of continuous gaming, while the DualShock 4 has a battery life of between four and eight hours, depending on your gaming style.
Therefore, if you choose the DualShock 4, you have to spend a lot of gaming time charging the battery. If you want to charge your DualShock 3, you have to keep your PS3 console on to ensure it keeps charging. The PlayStation 4 can charge your DualShock 4 controller in sleep mode; hence, no need to stick around to ensure its charging.
Sony also included a stereo headset jack into the DualShock 4, a feature that is lacking in the DualShock 3. If you do not have a wireless headset, you head to sit close to your PS3 console and restrict your movement because of the wired headset.
Bought a pair of these and man what an improvement. Me too. The triggers have a new design on them. I guess I'm confused. My PS3 slim holiday has a DS3 that does not look like the one in the thread. He just worded it poorly. Those are 3rd party attachments. Sony hasn't changed the design of the triggers and that isn't a stock controller. What your controller shows is still the current Dual Shock 3 design and has been since day 1. Sorry for the confusion, I guess I should have quoted thegamezmaster's "I have them on all my controllers and love them.
I have a similar problem on two of my controllers also. Both left joysticks would stick and be stuck "up" when pushed on for a decent amount of time. I usually run into this problem when running around in Call of Duty or Resistance. I would love to get some of those, I hate the current design. Gamestop is where I get mine. PS3 controller , Wikitips.
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Dualshock 3 Sixaxis The Dualshoc Ultimately this laptop has achieved everything I would hope for in a laptop for work, while fitting that into a form factor and weight that is remarkable. This smart laptop was enjoyable to use and great to work on — creating content was super simple. As the Maserati or BMW of laptops, it would fit perfectly in the hands of a professional needing firepower under the hood, sophistication and class on the surface, and gaming prowess sports mode if you will in between.
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