The average diploma grade is 5. IB board allowed students to opt if they wish to appear for exams or not in both November and May This way, even those who appeared for exams were assessed on criteria beyond the papers. The IB had also changed its coursework accordingly due to the pandemic. This coursework was assessed by both internal and external academicians.
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Do your children attend a UAE school? Take our survey and help other parents. Latest Schools. Latest UAE articles. School Performance Finalists Revealed! Interviews Podcast: The Big Question! You sat for the exams, where you probably developed carpal tunnel syndrome. And you can relate a little too well to this video , but you're hoping you did a bit better on your IB exams. So when do you get your IB exam scores? How do you get your scores? What does your score mean? I will answer all these questions and more in this article.
Because of the ongoing COVID coronavirus pandemic, May IB assessments will have two routes, exam and non-exam, depending on which your school chooses. For May exams, IB test scores are issued on July 6 of the same year.
For example, those who took an IB test in May received their scores on July 6, Note that all May IB exams were canceled due to the coronavirus. For students taking the May IB test, their scores will also release on July 7, IB scores for tests taken in November are released to the schools on January 2 the year following the exam.
For students taking IB exams in November , their scores will be released to their schools on January 2, , and students will generally have access to their scores the next day, January 3.
For students taking the November IB exam, they can expect to have access to their scores starting January 3 as well. Using that number, you can access your own results via the IB's candidate results website.
You'll be able to do so one day after results are issued : on July 7 for the May session, and on January 3 for the November session. Note that IB results are released to students at staggered intervals depending on time zone. You can contact your IB coordinator to find out the exact time you'll be able to see your scores. IB tests aren't graded in the same way other school tests are. Here, we go over the grading scale for IB exams and how it works. Every IB test is scored on a scale of , with 7 being the highest possible score.
The IB uses what are called "grade descriptors" to describe what each level signifies for each possible category of which there are six.